Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Giraffe Bike

I started the week feeling dispirited in the wake of the 100km ride. Particularly as the nice people at Pearson’s bike shop told me I’d invested my hard earned cash on a bike that was the wrong size for me. One way round it (that doesn’t involve buying a whole new bike) is to get a new longer seat post which I did. I am now in possession of a bike masquerading as a giraffe...

My giraffe bike

.....It looks pretty foolish, but on the upside I think I have more oomph going up hills (which god knows I need). It feels vertiginous and has thrown off my balance a bit. I have to teeter ballerina- like on the points of my shoes at lights. Now I understand why all those Mamils head for the kerbs  and balance one foot on them. I’m getting some pains in one side of my neck after longer rides which I’m hoping a bike fit will sort out.  And aching knees – which I fear will only be resolved when I officially retire from cycling in just over four weeks time after  we roll into Paris.

I made it for one three hour ride this week, and another 2 hour one. The longer one was thanks to Marcus who did the Dash last year and who kindly led RP and I along the canals of east London out into more open countryside. In theory it should have been a beautiful ride but the tracks by the canals are pretty busy in parts and bumpy, and I was very worried about falling into the water with a bike strapped to my feet. One day I will lift my eyes from the road and start taking in the countryside.

I am struggling a bit with the psychological angst of training. However far I go, I know it’s a drop in the ocean compared to how far I have to go in June, which makes me feel stressed and depressed. Every ride I do I just want to be over, but feel terribly guilty when I stop because I know I should be training harder.

I think I’m getting better at changing gears. I used to make that ‘ripping up a tin can’ kind of noise quite frequently, but it’s much less often now – I think I’ve found the point in the revolution of the pedal which makes the gear change smoother. Hooray – small victories.

Next week’s training ride is  London to Brighton (gulp). Wish me luck. Or better still, sponsor me!


My first spin class


To defeat the Devils Dyke

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