Friday, March 30, 2018

And so it begins

So, less than three months to go, and I’ve finally taken possession of my first road bike so I can ride this year’s Duchenne Dash. I say just - what I mean is I got it last week, after wrangling with my employer’s bike-to-work scheme for 6 weeks, and then was laid low with flu. I blame the post flu-wobbles for the fact that I fell off it on my first ride. The second time, I had no such excuse. I thought cleats were likely to be a pretty horrible experience, and I have been proved right! De-cleating while braking eludes me. I guess it’s a bit like patting your head and rubbing your tummy; it takes time and practice. Also for some reason, I can only get the action right on my right foot. Luckily I have discovered that you can go quite a distance without your feet locked in — it feels a bit like skating in shoes, but you still cover ground!

I went for my first non-commuter ride this weekend with my Cycle Partner Mike. He has done the Dash 5 times and therefore has a wealth of knowledge to impart — or ‘mansplain’. This weekend’s lesson mainly focused on the gears. I’ve been riding a single speed bike on my commute so I’m pretty clueless about these. I was genuinely shocked when I realised I had to shift the handlebars to change gears - who knew?! He was a bit frustrated that I couldn't tell whether the little paddle or the big handlebar shifter goes up or down, and kept accelerating away into the distance while I span my legs round and round in a wholly inappropriate gear. I nearly got off and walked when he revealed there was a whole second cog for me to contend with.

Achievements this week:

I can change gears at the back wheel
I can cleat in my right foot


cleating in my left foot
using the gears at the pedals
taking my hands off the handle bars (surprisingly scary at this stage of the game)
drinking water while cycling
learning to enjoy riding a road bike

DON'T FORGET - you can sponsor me at http//

my new bike, it will never look this clean again ...