Friday, June 8, 2018

Dash Day

Dash day has finally come (thank god) – I, and about 160 others, are setting off today to cycle from London to Paris. To say it has been a challenge for me is an understatement. Learning to ride a road bike and building the fitness required to go the distance (hopefully) has been extremely tough, it’s been a big financial commitment (who knew all that aluminium and lycra was so expensive), and a big time commitment. Thank you to my family, friends and colleagues who have supported me through it. I feel scared of the pain that lies ahead, delighted that it’s nearly over, and proud to be part of an amazing event which will change lives.

Today has never been about me. Today is about my godson Eli and his mother Emily, and all the families who live every day with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. My ride ends in 24-hours time, tomorrow afternoon, when I hopefully arrive in one piece at the Eiffel Tower. For DMD families, all day every day is a challenge which far outweighs anything I do. 

I have watched what happens when a family learns for the first time about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.  I have watched my godson learn to play football, and I have watched him lose the ability to play football. I have watched him learn to climb stairs and I have watched him learn that he can no longer climb stairs. I have watched him understand little by little, as he is grows, how different he is from his peers.  I have watched his mother watching his growing realisation– and have held her as she fought against despair, listened as she’s struggled to try to come up with the words to explain to her son why there is no medicine that can fix his muscles. 

Duchenne UK – and the Duchenne Dash – are changing the future, for Eli and all families with DMD.  We’re hoping to raise a million pounds TODAY. The charity is amazing. It’s funding research, clinical trials, the doctors and nurses to deliver those trials and it’s lobbying the government and drugs companies to speed up the process for delivering drugs. I’m proud to represent the charity today, and I hope that I do them proud by actually getting to Paris. I will tweet updates @ ClareNews2  #DuchenneDash. Wish me luck! xxx

Getting to the start line

Getting to the finish line

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